Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. We have tried to formulate the answers clearly and precisely. If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service

The most frequently asked questions & answers

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. Your question
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How long will my oxygen tank last?

Depending on the size of the bottle and the amount taken out, the bottle can be used for different lengths of time.

A 2 l bottle filled with 200 bar contains a total of 400 l. If oxygen is now drawn off at a rate of 4 liters per minute, the oxygen bottle can be used for 100 minutes.

Can I buy or have my oxygen cylinder filled with medical oxygen on prescription?

Unfortunately, we are unable to bill prescriptions/orders/outpatient supplies to the health insurance companies’ billing offices.

If you buy oxygen cylinders with Med. O2 from us or have them filled, you will receive an invoice from us with the delivery. Payment is due within 10 days without deductions. Doctors can submit our invoice to their accounting office for billing purposes.

In order to be able to order on account, we ask you to register before ordering. The payment option "purchase on account" is only available to you after successful registration. We ask for your understanding.

How can I dispose of an old / no longer needed oxygen cylinder?

Your oxygen cylinder is too old and a TÜV inspection is not worthwhile?

Disposing of bottles is becoming more and more of a problem. Most public waste disposal sites now refuse to accept them because they are hazardous materials. Scrap metal disposal companies also often have difficulty disposing of your bottles.

We are also happy to help you dispose of your old medical oxygen bottle. If you purchase a new bottle from us, please let us know that you have an old bottle to dispose of. We will then arrange for your oxygen bottle to be disposed of free of charge.

Even if you do not need a new oxygen cylinder at the moment, we will be happy to help you dispose of your old cylinder, but we will have to charge for this service.

Are the GCE pressure reducers of the Mediselect, Medireg and Mediflow series MR compatible?

Yes, GCE pressure reducers from the Mediselect, Medireg and Mediflow series can be operated in rooms with magnetic resonance imaging devices if the static field strength of 3 Tesla is not exceeded. The pressure reducers must be at least 30 cm away from the magnet opening.

How often do pressure reducers need to be serviced?

Pressure reducers must be checked regularly. This is essential for safety reasons. It does not matter whether the pressure reducer has been used or not. Material fatigue can lead to leaks and malfunctions that can be dangerous to human health.

The maintenance interval of a pressure reducer is specified by the manufacturer. We cannot therefore make a general statement on this.

However, most manufacturers specify a maintenance interval of 5 years and a service life of 10 years.

In some circumstances, a new purchase may be more profitable.

We would be happy to help you determine the maintenance interval for your pressure reducer. You can call us (05071-7821890) or send us a photo (WhatsApp 015792338910).

How do you store oxygen cylinders correctly?

Oxygen cylinders Medical oxygen are pressure vessels and must be stored according to the “Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) 510″.

Protect compressed gas containers from heat and secure them against tipping over. Do not store in stairwells, corridors, passageways or consumption rooms.

Keep oxygen cylinders away from flammable gases and other combustible materials when storing them.

How do you handle oxygen cylinders safely?

Handling oxygen cylinders is quite simple. Fear is inappropriate, but respect and careful action are required.

When handling oxygen cylinders, please note the following points:

- Do not use oil or fat.

- Open valves slowly to avoid pressure surges.

- Prevent water from entering the gas tank.

- Prevent backflow into the gas container.

- Only use equipment suitable for this product and the intended pressure and temperature. If in doubt, consult us.

- Keep away from sources of ignition, including electrostatic discharges.

- Follow the instructions on the bottle.

How should oxygen cylinders be transported?

Filled oxygen cylinders are pressure vessels. Commercial transport is therefore considered to be a transport of dangerous goods in the sense of the law. Traditional shipping companies such as DHL or HERMES are therefore not suitable.

You can of course transport your oxygen cylinder in a private environment. When transporting it in a car, train, etc., you should pay particular attention to securing the compressed gas cylinders. The cylinder valve in particular must be protected from damage.

Can an oxygen cylinder be taken on a flight?

Most airlines have excluded the carriage of compressed gas cylinders in their conditions of carriage.

You should therefore inquire with the airline before embarking on, or better yet, before booking, a flight.

The reason for this is that an oxygen cylinder contains many times the actual volume of gas. For example, if the valve of a 2-liter oxygen cylinder has a technical defect, the volume could expand explosively to 400 liters. Apart from the possible flying parts, this could have safety-related consequences for the aircraft.

Can I carry an oxygen cylinder in my car?

In principle, oxygen cylinders for personal use may also be carried in private cars. The principles of safe transport and load securing must be observed. In any case, the cylinder valve and installed pressure reducers must be protected against damage. We recommend transporting small cylinders (up to 3 l volume) in suitable bags or backpacks.

As soon as the transport is carried out for commercial purposes, the relevant ADR regulations apply and every commercial transport of compressed gas cylinders is a transport of dangerous goods.

What is medical oxygen?

Medical oxygen is a highly concentrated oxygen that is used for
medical purposes. Unlike normal
It has a purity of at least 99.5 percent and
contains only very small amounts of impurities such as nitrogen or
carbon dioxide.

How is medical oxygen produced?

Medical oxygen is usually produced by separating
Air components are extracted. For this purpose, compressed air is used in a compressor
produced and then cleaned and dried.
the separation of oxygen from the other air components by means of
Membrane or pressure swing adsorption technology.

What are the areas of application of medical oxygen?

Medical oxygen is used in various areas of
It is used in chronic
lung diseases such as COPD or asthma and can also be used for
acute respiratory diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
It is also often used during operations or in emergency medicine.

What is the importance of medical oxygen in emergency medicine?

In emergency medicine, medical oxygen plays a crucial
Role, as it is used in many life-threatening situations such as heart attack
or stroke can be a stabilizing measure. It helps
to supply the body with sufficient oxygen and prevent possible
to minimize damage.

What are the benefits and risks of using medical oxygen?

The advantages of using medical oxygen are
especially in its effectiveness in the treatment of respiratory diseases
and emergency situations. However, if used improperly,
There is an increased risk of lung injury or burns.

My oxygen cylinder is more than 10 years old, is the TÜV inspection still worthwhile?

The technical inspection of compressed gas cylinders must be carried out every 10 years. The cost of the technical inspection is EUR 75 plus filling and transport. For small cylinder sizes, the technical inspection is not economically viable. We therefore recommend purchasing new cylinders up to a cylinder size of 2 l. From a cylinder size of 3 l, the technical inspection becomes profitable.

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Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.